Why the North Shore is a bad place to see seals

The north shore is a bad place to see the seals. Very bad.


Here are 4 reasons:

  1. It is a long, long walk from the car park to the seals.
  2. When you get there, you can’t see them. Why? Because of the shape of the beach:

3. If you try to see them by going nearer, they will all dive into the water. This has the following results: 1) it makes a huge noise, 2) you and everyone else on the beach will not be able to see them anymore as they will swim away, 3) you will undoubtedly be filmed from the south shore and put on Facebook with the caption “Idiots!”, 4) if the NatureScot warden sees you, you will be prosecuted under the Protection of Seals (Designation of  Haul-Out Sites) (Scotland) Amendment Order 2017.

4. You may also disturb nesting birds, and be prosecuted as it is a Special Protection Area for birds.


Do not go to the North Shore to see the seals, go to the south shore. When the tide is out, you can get really close to them without disturbing them. As the river is between you and them, they ignore you (and ignore your dog). The walk from the south shore car park is much shorter and much more pleasant. You do not face potential prosecution on the south shore. You can go for a coffee at the View, or grab some food in the village. 


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