From the Cottage - South

A lovely walk straight from the cottage south towards Aberdeen. You enter the Forvie Nature Reserve almost immediately. Keep to the path by the sea to reach the remote and isolated Hackley Bay, and then go on to get down to Forvie Sands, a completely unspoilt beach. You can walk south on this beach towards the Ythan Estuary, but please do not go right to the end of the beach as this is the seal haul out area, and if you disturb the seals you could be prosecuted. See our seals page for information on how best to see the seals.

Its best to turn off the sands at the old salmon station, up the first valley with the stream coming out of it and head over the sand dunes / moorland to the Forvie Sands car park at the north end of the bridge over the Ythan. On the way, you can admire the luxury house built up on the ridgeline by one of the owners of Brewdog. Once at the car park you can cross the Bridge into Newburgh for refreshments.

From the Cottage - North

Walking north from the village is a bit different. It is a lovely walk (we are told), but you will need to tackle steep climbs, narrow and awkward gates, steep and quite dangerous cliffs and sheep. For us, its not for kids or dogs, but you may think differently. You can walk all the way to the small fishing village of Whinnyfold (and then on to Cruden Bay, but on small roads and then the main Cruden Bay road for the last short stretch).

From the Cottage - In a Loop

Also if you walk south from the cottage, turn right and head for the Sand Loch (the small loch you can see from the back kitchen window). You can do several “loop” walks around the loch and come back through the village. One ends up at the Forvie Nature Reserve Visitor Centre.

Magical Rattray Head

One of our favourites, the magical Rattray Head, where the North Sea meets the Moray Firth. You can get to this amazing beach in two ways: 1) Go through Peterhead, and then head for Fraserburgh on the A90. Just before you enter the town of St Fergus you will see a signpost pointing right to Scotstown Beach. Go down to the car park, and then walk to the beach and head north to Rattray Head lighthouse. You can find hundreds of small shells here at low tide (as found on the kitchen table). 2) Head direct to Rattray. You will need to use GPS (or a map) and find one of the small roads off the A90 that lead to the lane heading down to the lighthouse. Very bumpy and potholed access ! But there is a small car park right at Rattray Head, and from there you can easily access the beach.


Newburgh Beach – see the seals, and pick up shopping at the village mini-market. See our page on seals for directions.

Cruden Bay Beach – a stunning beach. If you are heading north, turn right straight after the bridge before the Kilmarnock Arms. Park by the public toilets, then walk to the foot bridge and cross over to the beach. Or head into the small car park by the church and walk through a lovely valley up to Slains Castle (but watch kids and dogs by the castle – cliffs !). 

Balmedie Beach – head to Aberdeen on the “old road” past Trump’s. There is a kiddies play area at the car park, access to the beach and also vast dune areas.



Aden Country Park – lots of wooded walks, a café and a great outdoor kids play area. Head to Mintlaw, then turn left at the round about in the middle of the village.

Drinnie’s Wood – A forested walk with an observatory (tall tower overlooking the forest). Drive to Mintlaw then keep heading north. Just outside the village there is a straight section of road with a brown tourist sign pointing the way (left) to the woods half way along. Go through the small village and up to the wooded hill.

Pitfour Estate Lake – Head for Aden Country Park, then keep going a short way, take the first right and park in the car park at the junction. Follow footpath signs to the lake. Part of the old estate. Walk round the lake across four bridges. Admire the ruined Theseus temple ( where one laird even kept alligators).

Tyrebagger Woods – strange decaying sculptures amongst a nice wooded walk (north side of main road). There are walks as well as laid out mountain bike routes (southside). You can get there via the Aberdeen bypass.

Formartine and Buchan Way – Lots of disused railways form great paths / bike trails – see here

Round the North Sea ?

Perhaps not for a week’s visit, but why not walk right round the North Sea? The cottage lies on the North Sea Trail – see here for details.